sakihiwe news
Call for crafter and retailer booths at Aboriginal Music Week 2014
Aboriginal Music Week is seeking applications from First Nation, Métis, and Inuit crafters, visual artists, and retailers interested in setting up 10x10 booths at The Cube in Winnipeg's Old Market Square during the Indigenous Music Without Borders presented by APTN concerts on Friday, August 22 and Saturday, August 23. The concerts are set for 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. nightly.
The festival wants to provide audiences with an opportunity to purchase quality bead work, clothing, jewellery, paintings, and crafts created by First Nation, Métis, and Inuit artists.
Please complete our Crafter Registration Form by August 11 to be considered for a 10x10 booth space. The festival will consider larger booth spaces for retailers with a lot of inventory.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, August 11 at 4pm CST
Power will not be available. Tents, tables, display stands, inventory, and floats will be the responsibility of the artists and retailers. All items and tents will need to be removed from the site at the end of each concert (no tents left on site over night). Tents must not be spiked into the ground- weights are needed to anchor all tents. Trailers, trucks, or other vehicles are not permitted on site. Parking will be the responsibility of each artist and retailer.
The festival will not be able to accommodate service providers, automotive retailers, creditors or lenders, fundraisers, data collection entities, marketing and promotions companies, or unregistered artists or retailers.
Aboriginal Music Week will require a donation of one of more items, with a retail value of $100, from each artist or retailer that sets up at the concerts. The items will be used as prizes for future fundraising events.
The festival will inform all successful applicants by email at 6pm CST on Tuesday, August 12.
For additional information:
Alan Greyeyes
Aboriginal Music Manitoba Inc.
Aboriginal Music Week 2014 is set for August 20-24 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.