sakihiwe news

sākihiwē festival 2024, block party details
We're working with the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre and the Spence Neighbourhood Association to bring some incredible music, art, fashion, and fun to Winnipeg's core and north end this summer. The 2024 edition of the sākihiwē festival, set for June 28 to 30, will include a ticketed concert on Friday night, the Turtle Island Block Party on Saturday, and the Central Park Block Party on Sunday.
As in previous years, we'll build festival sites with beautiful stages, picnic tables, pop-up tents, restrooms, and activity stations for both block parties. Saturday's event will be held in the field at the Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre, near 510 King Street, and we'll move everything to the south side of Central Park, near 366 Qu'Appelle Avenue, on Sunday.
"We always have incredible performers at the sākihiwē festival," explains our Festival Director Alan Greyeyes. "But we also serve as a launch pad or stepping stone for Indigenous artists and I'm proud to say that we have a number of new voices from Northern Manitoba and Winnipeg's core ready to take the stage this year."
The newcomers include Pukatawagan's Nathaniel Sinclair; DJ Fallen, DJ Sierra, and DJ Und3adrat from the Spence Neighbourhood Centre's youth DJ program; country singer Rikki Linklater; St. Theresa Point's Barrin May; and, music student Yandira Campos. We're also excited to welcome sākihiwē festival first-timers Orvis, ASKO, Silla, Anishinaabe Voice, United Thunder, Neejagon, Teagan Littlechief, and Semiah to our block party stages this summer.
The sākihiwē festival 2024 block party details:
Turtle Island Block Party || sākihiwē festival 2024
Partners: Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, City of Winnipeg
with Logan Staats, SIlla, ASKO, Nathaniel Sinclair, Orvis, Wanda Wilson, Tayller Peltier, DJ Fallen, DJ Sierra, DJ Und3adrat, Anishinaabe Voice, Buffalo Red Thunder, and invited dancers from Ma Mawi's Powwow Club
Hosted by Ashley Martel Lepine
Saturday, June 29, 2024
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre, 510 King Street, Winnipeg
Free concert, free BBQ, free prize draw at 8:45 pm
Raffle draw for a PlayStation 5 at 9:00 pm, tickets $2.00 each (license number LGCA-15405-SOR)
Indigenous Marketplace, 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The SnapFox Photo Booth (free printed photographs), 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Hair braiding, 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Peacekeeping by Sabe Peacewalkers
Families welcome
Concert schedule:
12:00 pm: Welcoming remarks
1:00 pm: Wanda Wilson, Tayller Peltier, and Orvis
2:00 pm: Nathaniel Sinclair
3:00 pm: Powwow demonstration with Anishinaabe Voice, Buffalo Red Thunder, and invited dancers from Ma Mawi's Powwow Club
5:00 pm: ASKO
6:00 pm: Silla
7:00 pm: Logan Staats
8:00 pm: DJ Fallen, DJ Sierra, DJ Und3adrat
Central Park Block Party || sākihiwē festival 2024
Partner: Spence Neighbourhood Association
with Neejagon, United Thunder, Teagan Littlechief, Semiah, Valkyrie, Stun, Barrin May, Rikki Linklater, Yandira Campos, DJ Fallen, DJ Sierra, and DJ Und3adrat
Hosted by Ashley Martel Lepine
Sunday, June 30, 2024
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Central Park, 366 Qu'Appelle Avenue, Winnipeg
Free concert, free BBQ, free prize draw at 8:45 pm
Raffle draw for a PlayStation 5 at 9:00 pm, tickets $2.00 each (license number LGCA-15406-SOR)
Indigenous Marketplace, 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The SnapFox Photo Booth (free printed photographs), 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Hair braiding, 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Peacekeeping by Spirit Horse
Families welcome
Concert schedule:
12:00 pm: Welcoming remarks
1:00 pm: Rikki Linklater, Yandira Campos, and Barrin May presented by the Indigenous Music Development Program at Manitoba Music
2:00 pm: Stun
3:00 pm: Valkyrie
4:00 pm: DJ Fallen, DJ Sierra, DJ Und3adrat
5:00 pm: Semiah
6:00 pm: Neejagon
7:00 pm: Teagan Littlechief
8:00 pm: United Thunder
About the sākihiwē festival
The sākihiwē festival was launched in 2009 as Aboriginal Music Week to develop Indigenous youth as an audience for live music. The festival presents between 20 and 30 First Nation, Metis, Inuit, Native American, and Indigenous music acts each year. It is held in Treaty One Territory and is produced by Aboriginal Music Manitoba (AMM).
AMM received the name "sākihiwē" from Sundance Chief David Blacksmith during a ceremony on February 21, 2018. It means "to love" in Cree.
AMM would like to acknowledge the Government of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Manitoba Arts Council, and the Winnipeg Arts Council for their financial support of the 2024 edition of the sākihiwē festival.
AMM would like to acknowledge Manitoba Music, the West End BIZ, NCI FM, Assiniboine Credit Union, Manitoba Public Insurance, Manitoba Egg Farmers, and the City of Winnipeg for their support of the sākihiwē festival.
The sākihiwē festival is made possible by partnerships with the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre and the Spence Neighbourhood Association.
About Aboriginal Music Manitoba
AMM is a non-profit organization that presents, promotes and nurtures Indigenous music and culture in order to build audiences at the community level and beyond. We do this by partnering with community groups to take music to Indigenous families; providing professional development and export opportunities for Indigenous artists; and, using every stage to challenge stereotypes about Indigenous people.
AMM is governed by a volunteer board, which includes chairperson Brett Huson, vice-chairperson Sandra Seidel, secretary Kimberly Cleave, and directors Rhonda Head, Ivana Yellowback, Jennifer Duka, and Reanna Merasty.